Wednesday, September 25, 2013

books. and fighting.

this book is awesome. i'll probably refer to it a lot in other posts, but it's so good.
jacob will attest to the fact that i cried through the book...he's reading it next, we'll see if he does the same ha. even if you aren't adopting it's so good. the first third of the book is on God's adoption with us and it's just amazing.  pulls in so many scriptures that i hadn't reflected on in this light of adoption and was just enlightening for so many reasons.  if you are adopting, or someone you know is, or you're family or friend of someone who might it. :)

there was a theme scattered throughout the pages that was particularly interesting to me. the idea that adoption is a battle.  a fight at times...a fight to receive your child. a war. whether it be spiritual or bureaucracy at times. this intrigues me because of an incident that happened almost a year ago now.

i went to have just open worship at a friend's house one evening. and while i didn't feel like going, i went.  it had been a particularly frustrating day in many ways, but especially in the way of children.  i sat on the floor there hurt and cried.  while i prayed through the worship songs i asked God the we all do sometimes.  and many times it's not the whys we need answers to but the whys we need to accept.  but on this particular occassion i heard God clearly on the matter.  i sat there leaned up against the wall with my journal and wrote as i heard Him say, "i need you to learn to fight for them before you even have them."

now i don't know where you stand on hearing from God, but he and i are friends. we often chat about big and little things and i know that evening that this was Him and the peace that filled my previously restless heart was evidence to it.

i am timid in many areas of my life...but in the past year God has grown me in this area. i'm pretty firm when it comes to my job.  it's odd really.  i can command the attention of 24 drunk wedding party members into a creative pose, but ask me to contest an incorrectly rung up item at the grocery store and i'm mum. ha.

and i know how to fight for others. i really think i do.  i know how to pray til it hurts for someone else to see a breakthrough in their life. and i know how to encourage (***please don't take this as bragging and please don't take it as though i'm proficient, because in many ways i need to improve in all of these...this is just generally speaking***). but when it comes to fighting for me, i often come up very short. i feel underserving.  i feel bothersome. and after that evening it all began to change.

i didn't know what it meant to fight for my children...and heaven knows i still don't.  and may never really! but i grow in this and God teaches me more all the time. but i fight a lot more these days. i have tried to realize who I am in God's kingdom with bible verses that point to who I am in Him and step into that.  I'm more than a conqueror (romans 8:37). I'm uncontested (romans 8:31-34).  I'm unstoppable (phillipians 4:13). and while i don't exemplify these always, it's a process.

so when i read through this book and it hinted at adoption being the process of fighting for your children and battling for them...another piece clicked that we are here in this moment for a reason. in this phase and adventure at the perfect timing. and God is always teaching me as i'm sure he is with you...and it's across the board. biological children or adopted, parents or singles.

i'm so excited to have little ones to fight for.

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