Tuesday, February 4, 2014

12 weeks.

today (which is now technically wednesday) marks twelve weeks on the waiting list

and in case you were wondering, we did not receive a call on january 29th and my sweet friend is having a boy. :)  i'd be lying if i said i wasn't a little dissapointed that we didn't find out news like that together...but not crushed by any means.  just means there's another timing that's more perfect than the one i had in mind.

and it's true.  gosh.  if we had gotten a call that day i would have bawled my eyes out from sheer exhaustion.  january 29th ended up being when we had our FBI fingerprinting done...and that is quite a story...

we went to arizona last week to photograph a wedding for work. and since i'd never been to that part of the country we decided to tack on a few days at the end and explore sedona and the grand canyon.  more on that another day...it may have been our babymoon? maybe not. who knows.

 (p.s. this is the lengthy version of what happened to get to our fbi fingerprinting so i can tell my child someday ha...)

we were scheduled to come home on tuesday night and go to our fbi appointment wednesday morning in cincinnati. seemed simple enough.  fly from phoenix to chicago to lexington.  well, while some thought we got held up in some snow in chicago we, in fact, never even left phoenix before the problems began.  sunny, 78 degree phoenix.  we had an afternoon flight and as they had us all lined up in our respective spots when they made an announcement that only one bathroom facility was going to work...no biggie.  people left the line to go use the restroom quickly.  cool.  we all get back in line.  and wait.  and wait.  we only had an hour between our connection in chicago.  and as we start to get nervous our worst came...they've decided to try to fix the bathroom and delay our flight. so. dumb.  we can hold it 2 hours people.

so they delayed us which began the frenzy.  we rushed to the counter (as did everyone else).  there were no other flights out this evening that could get us home.  if we left we would be stuck overnight in chicago...and thus missing our fbi appointment.  because the main issue of our appointment was not getting to cincy, it was getting TO lexington where they had mailed our appointment paperwork while we were gone and THEN taking them to cincy.  so we first had to get home then drive. so we begged to be flown to louisville, cincinnati anywhere tonight that we could rent a car.  the closest they could get it that evening was to columbus, ohio.  so we bit the bullet and called and rented a car in columbus so we could be booked on a plane from phoenix to there and get into columbus at midnight, drive the three hours home, get the paperwork and get to our morning appointment in cincy.  it was crazy.  and horrible exhausting sounding, but we had to do it...or so we thought.

between finding new flights and booking cars, they delayed us again...which killed our chance for the columbus flight.  i cried.  we hadn't slept much that week anyways (long stories for another day) so i was already somewhat tired, and thus more emotional, and mix issues with my baby in there and i cried at the counter...though i can't just turn on my water works on demand...it did seem rather convenient to pull off while at the counter...but it didn't help our situation.  i think it only made the people helping us sadder too because they couldn't help us. also while all this is going on we were texting with my dad (travel guru) and my friend nina (also travel guru) to see what they could find us.

enter nina and her husband wes to save the day.  nina asked if we could get a morning flight into cincy.  i said yes, but of course the issue wasn't getting there the issue was getting to my home for the paperwork in time to get BACK to cincy for the fingerprinting.  so then the mullins saved the day.  nina told me to get a flight into cincy and she'd take care of the rest.  (*side note: those who know me best know i have serious issues asking for help, accepting help, and seeing others go above and beyond on things for me...i don't like being a bother, a hassle or nuisance...so really every part of me was in distress over this flight situation...but God used it as always to teach me...using nina :D) wes met up with our brother in law who was watching the house and got the key to our house to get in and get the keys to our mailbox...went to our mailbox and got our forms out and took them to nina.  nina then proceeded to drive at the crack of dawn the next morning to cincinnati to get to us (we ended up taking a midnight, red eye flight to philly then to cincy) as we landed 30 minutes late, drove us the 30-45 minutes to downtown for a...wait for it...TEN MINUTE APPOINTMENT.  yup.  all that hassle for a simple walk in and walk out appointment.

so sleep deprived and exhausted nina drove us home and continued being awesome.

and that, my friends, is how we finished our LAST piece of paperwork prior to our referral.  we are literally only waiting now.  feel free to come anytime, baby(ies).

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