Wednesday, November 13, 2013


;kaslasfljasifjdk!!!! my friends know when i text jarble like that with exclamations that it's my way of squealing via text lol.  we. are. so. excited and hopeful.  i wrote in my one line a day journal last night that i was feeling really hopeful last night and i woke up this morning to an email from taiwan saying we had been added to the waiting list. HUGE shocker because we had been told it could be 4+ weeks before we heard anything from them. so.....yea....that's pretty fantastic!!!

so what does this mean? nothing. and everything. lol.  it could still be 9 months before we know our child.  we have met people a step ahead of us that have been on the waiting list 3ish months so far and not heard anything...but that doesn't mean it'll be the same for us.  the heads of THOGL pray over all the applicants and all the babies and place them as they feel best...and we are also very much open to twins and should that come up, we don't know who else is open to that and may get different place in line then too....crazy amounts of variables in play.  we are also waiting for our I600a forms to come back with fingerprinting assignments from homeland security...allowing us to bring an "immigrant"...our child...over from taiwan.  and there a few other forms we have to fill out...but not sure if those are pre-post referral.

but we are on the list.
the list.
we are in line.
anytime....and yet maybe months. oh me!!!

are we ready? no one ever is...but seriously. holy cow. lol.  had a hard time being focused this morning. been editing and sending out emails and such...then get distracted thinking about the possilibities...and how we've seriously gotta get going on our tshirts and fundraiser lol.

i really struggle with that part...fundraising. always have, it's not a new thing.  we are working on shirts for hopefully a pre-christmas order option.  and....mark your calendars...we are looking to throw a chinese new year dance party!!! woot wooot!! chinese new year is january 31 and it's a either that day or february 1st on that saturday....more details on that as it gets closer but looking to have that as our big fundraiser...and i know i've got lots of photographer friends who get bummed shooting receptions every weekend and never really being a part of the dance here's your chance!!! :)

so yes! big update and are so thankful and hopeful and exciting...and expectant!! :)

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